His own face was extraordinarily easy to read. Malcolm’s thoughts flitted over it almost as clearly as if he had spoken them. It was the strangest part of the whole horrible experience. He had never been able to tell what Malcolm was thinking before.

The Ogre Downstairs, Diana Wynn Jones

If you read a lot of books, you’re considered well-read. But if you watch a lot of TV, you’re not considered well-viewed.

Lily Tomlin, 

An Uncommon Scold, Abby Adams, Simon & Schuster (Nov 1989)

With extraordinary perceptiveness, she realized that each grown-up must kill the child he was before he himself can live. Nesbit’s vow to survive somehow in the enemy’s consciousness became, finally, her art—when this you see remember me—and the child within continued to the end of the adult’s life.

Gore Vidal, “The Writing of E. Nesbit”, NYRB, Dec 1964

Waybaloos on CBeebies

Waybaloos on CBeebies

All television is Children’s television.

Richard P. Adler, Research on the Effects of Television Advertising on Children; A Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Future Research, 1977

The Changes: Excellent fansite

The Changes: Excellent fansite